State Tested Nursing Assistant classes in Ohio prepare students to provide direct care to residents/patients in nursing homes, long-term care facilities, hospitals, and personal homes. The Ohio Department of Health requires training providers to deliver at least 75 hours of instruction including a minimum of 16 hours at a nursing facility. The aim of the training is to encourage proficiency in ambulation, handwashing, range of motion, personal care, catheter care, transferring, making occupied beds, emptying urinary drainage bags and other essential skills. Students will also learn how to create and maintain a safe environment for patients and team members, collaborate with health care professionals, basic nursing skills, communicate effectively, assist with pain management, and use professional judgment. Nursing assistants work primarily in long-term care facilities but they might also take up positions in patients’ homes, hospitals, and hospice facilities. Under the supervision of a licensed nurse, they will assist patients with personal hygiene, oversee the activities of daily living including feeding, ambulating, turning and positioning, and mobility, ensure patient comfort, record fluid intake and output and vital signs, and report concerns to supervisors.
Alia Healthcare Services of Newark
Alia Healthcare of Newark facilitates a Nurse Aide Training program that is approved by the Ohio Nurse Aide Registry. The 79-clock hour program meets the requirements for admission to most nursing programs in the state. Flexible class schedules include a full-time option that runs for two weeks and a part-time morning, evening, and afternoon class as well as a weekend option. A separate 4-hour CPR/First Aid/AED class is also available for students seeking certification. Alia is an approved STNA Testing site so graduates will have the convenience of taking the exam on campus.
Admission criteria:
- Schedule and attend a tour of the school
- Provide two forms of ID – a driver’s license and a social security card
- Pay a deposit of $100 to register for the class – will be applied toward the balance
- Present the results of a one-step PPD/Mantoux/TB skin test by the first Friday of the class
A deposition of $100 is due at the time of registration. In addition to the tuition, students must purchase textbook, uniform, and workbook for the course.
Website: https://aliahealthcare.com/Newark/STNA-Classes-In-Newark-Ohhttps://aliahealthcare.com/Newark/STNA-Classes-In-Newark-Ohioio
Address: 23 Forry Street, Newark, OH 43055
Phone: 740-281-0308
Central Ohio Technical College
Central Ohio Technical College offers a NURS-002 Basic Health Care Skills (STNA) program through C-TEC. The training is approved by the Ohio Department of Health as a provider of STNA training. It covers a total of 80 hours of theory and practical instruction in the classroom, skills lab, and direct patient care in a real-world setting. Course topics include communication, promoting residents’/clients’ rights, safety and emergency procedures, basic restorative services, infection control, basic nursing skills, personal care skills, providing care in a home setting, and mental health and social service needs. Sessions in the skills lab will promote the development of basic nursing skills in preparation for the supervised clinical experience in a community health facility.
Admission criteria:
- Be 16 years or older
- Complete 2-step Mantoux test for tuberculosis – must have been completed in the last 30 days.
- Submit to a background check – must not be older than 6 months. Provide a copy of the report on the first day of class
- Provide a copy of high school transcript, diploma or GED certificate
- Complete GENR 90 Integrated Reading and Writing I and Math 040 or proof of waiver eligibility
- Have good verbal and written communication
- Be computer literate
- Be able to succeed at the math and science courses
Website: https://www.cotc.edu/
Address: 1179 University Dr, Newark, OH 43055, USA
Phone: 740-366-9222
Email: cotcgateway@cotc.edu
Licking County Job & Family Services/Ohio Means Jobs
Students enrolled in the State Tested Nurse Aide program at the Training Center will be prepared for the state exam to become STNAs. The program is approved by the Ohio Nurse Aide Registry and includes classroom lectures, skills lab, and a clinical experience at a long-term care facility. Course topics include residence rights, nutrition, body systems, infection control, personal care, fluid intake and output, basic nursing skills, hydration, and chronic illnesses. Classes meet Monday through Thursday from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm on campus. The clinical sessions are Monday through Thursday from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm. The duration of the class is three weeks. Students who successfully complete the program will be capable of providing safe and competent care in a hospital, assisted living facility, home care, and nursing home. They will also be prepared to enter a licensed practical nursing or registered nursing program. The certificate of completion will confirm their eligibility to take the state exam offered on campus. Students are accepted on a first come first served basis. Candidates can opt to pay a reservation fee of $200 to hold a seat in the class.
Admission criteria:
- Provide the results of a 2-step TB test prior to the clinical rotation
- Pay the registration fee of $100
- Provide two forms of ID – a driver’s license and social security card
Tuition for the program is $580 and includes the registration fee and lab fee. It also covers the handbook, skills booklet, internet and lab fees, career prep, and unlimited use of the skills lab. A payment plan is available. The first payment is due on the first day of the class and the last on the second Friday of the class.
Website: http://www.thetrainingcenter.info/STNA.html
Address: 998 E. Main St., Newark, Ohio 43055
Phone: 740 670-87OO
Alt: 740 349-3660
Premier Choice Health Services, LLC
Premier Choice Health Services offers a nurse aide training program that has a 98 percent pass rate on the State Board Exam for nurse aides. Students will complete the 75 instructional hours in two and half weeks. They will spend 59 hours in the classroom and 16 hours in a long-term care facility. Areas of study include social and mental health services, inflection control, vital signs, basic nursing skills, residents’ rights and independence, chronic illnesses, fluid intake and output, nutrition, body systems, safety and emergency procedures, and hospice care. Graduates will be prepared for success on the state exam and for the provision of care in hospitals, assisted living facilities, hospice facilities, residents’ homes, and long-term care facilities. They will have access to unlimited free reviews to prepare for the state exam. Classes meet Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm. Evening classes meet Monday through Friday from 5:30 pm to 10:30 pm. Clinical rotations may be scheduled on Saturdays and Sundays.
Admission criteria:
- Submit a completed application
- Provide two forms of ID – a driver’s license and social security card
Tuition for the program is $385 and includes books, lab material, and unlimited free review. A payment plan is available for all students.
Website: http://www.pchslive.com/
Address: 1901 E. Dublin Granville Rd., Suite 201 Columbus, Ohio 43229
Phone: 614-896-6420