CNA Classes Syracuse, NY

If you’re compassionate and patient and caring for the sick and disabled is appealing to you, then a career as a Certified Nurse Assistant may be right for you. As a CNA, you’ll promote patient safety, assist residents with personal hygiene, and collaborate with licensed nurses to promote rehabilitation from common disorders most often found in the elderly. There are specific qualities that are essential for success in the profession. Qualities such as compassion, flexibility, foresight, communication, and organization are invaluable when caring for others. However, there are very specific skillsets that CNAs must develop to practice successfully within the legal and ethical framework for nurse aides in New York. The nurse aide training program supports the development of such skills through theory and practical activities in the classroom and long-term care facilities.

The need for nursing assistants is expected to grow by 8% from 2018 to 2028, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The aging baby boomer population and the shift towards preventative care drive demand for more health care professionals to meet the growing needs, especially in the area of long-term care. CNAs manage the most intimate duties in nursing homes and form close relationships with residents who might be challenged with complications from Alzheimer’s, dementia, cancer, heart disease, and broken hips.


The Nursing Assistant Program at Elderwood is freely available to adults wishing to become a Certified Nursing Assistant. Students will learn the skills and attitudes required to care for residents of Elderwood skilled nursing facilities under the direction of a licensed nurse. The curriculum offers 100+ hours of theory and clinical activities with an emphasis on basic nursing skills, the role of the nurse aide, patient safety, patient rights and independence, mobility, and caring for persons who are disabled or mentally impaired. Graduates will be prepared to take the state competency exam within 120 days of completing the training. The duration of the program is three weeks.

Admission criteria:

  • Must be at least 16 years of age
  • Submit an application for admission to the program
  • Take and pass the entrance exam
  • Applicants with findings or convictions of resident abuse, mistreatment, and misappropriation of property will not be eligible for entry

The training is free for all students.


Loretto offers a Certified Nurse Aide Trainee class that prepares students for the state exam and entry-level employment in long-term care facilities. The training includes 100+ hours of classroom, lab sessions, and clinical activities designed to teach the skills required to provide safe and competent care. Course topics include body structure and function, preventing infections, work ethics, communicating with the Healthcare Team, safety and emergency response, fall prevention, body mechanics, wound care, dementia, caring for persons with mental health problems, and elimination and fluids. Students must complete work assignments, be prompt and consistent with attendance, be courteous to students and instructors, and maintain a 75% classroom and clinical average to graduate from the program. Tardiness and absenteeism will result in dismissal from the program. Graduates will be able to provide for the comfort, safety, and rehabilitation of residents and must demonstrate competency in the performance of all the skills on the resident care checklist. They will qualify for employment at Loretto after the successful passage of the nurse aide competency exam. Trainees attend classes Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm for theory and lab practice. The clinical rotations are conducted Monday through Friday from 7:00 am to 3:00 pm. Part-time schedules are available.

Admission criteria:

  • Must be at least 18 years old
  • Must take and pass the reading and math competency exam
  • Must be able to meet the physical requirements
  • Must obtain a satisfactory DOH Criminal History Records Check

Scholarships are available for eligible students.

Syracuse Educational Opportunity Center

The nurse aide program at Syracuse EOC prepares to care for residents in long-term care facilities under the direction of a licensed nurse. The training includes theory and practical instruction that includes preparation for the state nurse aide competency exam. It also serves as a stepping stone for students who plan to enroll in an allied health or nursing program. Course topics include the role and responsibility of the nurse aide, infection control, measuring vital signs, patient safety, patient rights and independence, mental health concepts, dementia, Alzheimer’s care, observation and reporting, nutrition, and personal hygiene. The duration of the program is 10 weeks. It includes eight weeks of classroom training and two weeks of clinical activities at a local health care facility.

Admission criteria:

  • Must meet the income requirements – proof of income is required
  • Take and obtain a reading score of at least 8.0 on the TABE entrance exam
  • Attend an orientation and interview with the program counselor
  • Submit a completed application online
  • Provide a picture ID and social security card
  • A high school diploma or GED is required
  • Provide proof of immunization and physical exam
  • Submit two professional references

Tuition is free for eligible students. Proof of income is required.