CNA Classes in Little Rock, AR

In accordance with federal guidelines, Arkansas’ Department of Health and Human Services requires nurse aides to obtain training and state certification before volunteering or working for compensation at long term care facilities. The DHHS has an established curriculum, which requires all state-accredited training providers to facilitate a minimum 90 hours of combined classroom and hands-on instruction.… Read the rest

CNA Classes Pine Bluff, AR

As the population ages, employment opportunities for nurse assistants are expected to grow 12 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Certified Nurse Assistants provide the bulk of patient care in long-term facilities. They work round the clock attending to clients’ physical, spiritual, and emotional needs and forming close bonds with those in their charge.… Read the rest

CNA Classes Jonesboro, AR

Enjoy the rewards of working in healthcare by becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant. CNA classes provide one of the fastest ways to kick-start a career in health. You’ll acquire the knowledge and skills to function as an effective frontline professional, working directly with patients who are ill, disabled, or injured.… Read the rest

CNA Classes Benton, AR

Certified Nursing Assistants work with a team of health care providers and under the direct supervision of a registered nurse to prioritize patient care. As integral members of the patient care team, they provide invaluable support to nurses and physicians and make a difference in the lives of patients and their families.… Read the rest

CNA Classes Fort Smith, AR

Long-term care remains the hardest hit area in health care as there are insufficient nurses and nursing support staff to provide care in this area where the patient population is receiving astronomical growth. Nursing facilities are unable to reach the acceptable patient to provider ratio, due, in part, to the inability to attract qualified professionals.… Read the rest